Global Health Resources
Learn more about the inspiring work being done across the globe!
mothers2mothers | International organization
mothers2mothers is building a healthy, thriving Africa by employing women to guide other women and their families on the journey to good health. They are working towards ending AIDS and creating bright futures for women and families across sub-Saharan Africa.
VisionSpring | International organization
VisionSpring has worked to provide sight to people around the world since 2001. VisionSpring has three programs designed to advance social impact:
See to Earn for adults to enhance earning potential
See to Learn for school going children so that they learn better
See to be Safe for truck drivers and allied transport workers so that all road users are safe.
They have reached 43 countries and distributed 6.8 million corrective pairs of glasses.
Asha for Education | Nonprofit organization
Asha for Education to provide education to underprivileged children in India in the belief that education is a critical requisite for socio-economic change. They also address issues such as health care, environment, socio-economic aspects, and women’s issues.
The American Mock World Health Organization | Nonprofit organization
AMWHO is a conference that hopes to educate future global health leaders in the proceedings of international health entities and aims to nurture an interest in global health and health policy that is often neglected in a standard health education curriculum.
World Pediatric Project | Nonprofit organization
World Pediatric Project has delivered about 25,000 pediatric critical care services to an estimated 14,000 children in the past 16 years. They offer a comprehensive and sustainable approach to providing access to pediatric advanced care for children in 12 countries in the Caribbean and Central America.